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  • Writer's pictureDavid Richards

How to Stay Focused in the Gym: A Guide for Easily Distracted Individuals

Do you find it challenging to stay focused at the gym? You're not alone. Many of us including me struggle with distractions, whether it's the allure of our smartphones or well-intentioned gym buddies offering unsolicited advice. But fear not, with a few simple strategies, you can improve your focus and make the most of your workout. Here are some tips on how to stay focused when training in the gym.

Ditch the Phone and Laptop (Yes, Really!)

Leaving your phone in the locker might seem controversial in our digitally connected world, but it's a game-changer when it comes to gym focus. Instead of scrolling through social media between sets, bring a pen and paper to jot down your workouts and progress. Use a stopwatch or the gym's clock to time your rest periods. You'll be amazed at how much more productive your sessions become without the constant pings and notifications. Plus, let's face it, bringing your laptop to the gym just looks a bit daft.

Avoid Chatty Gym Buddies

We all have that well-meaning gym buddy who loves to chat. While it's nice to catch up, prolonged conversations can derail your workout. Politely let them know that you're on a tight schedule and that you'll catch up later. Alternatively, consider wearing headphones to signal that you're in the zone and not up for a chat. This will help you maintain your focus on your training.

Have a Plan and Be Flexible

A well-thought-out workout plan is your best friend in the gym. It provides structure and purpose to your session. Aim to create a rough plan that outlines the exercises, sets, and reps you intend to complete. Having a plan helps you avoid aimlessly wandering around the gym, wondering what to do next. However, be prepared to adapt. If the gym is crowded, and your desired equipment is in use, have alternative exercises in mind. This flexibility ensures that you can make the most of your time even in a busy gym environment.

Incorporate mini-goals into your workout

For example, adding 0.5 kg on your bench press or adding another repetition to your squats. You'll find that your workouts become more purposeful and enjoyable, and you'll be more likely to stay on track and achieve your long-term fitness aspirations. Keep setting and crushing those mini-goals, and you'll be amazed at how far you can progress in your fitness journey.

Get the tough bit over first

Incorporating exercises you enjoy into your workout routine is an excellent way to maintain your motivation and make your training sessions more enjoyable. If you're not a fan of training certain muscle groups, such as legs, you can use the approach of placing the exercises you dislike at the beginning of your program and the exercises you enjoy at the end eg bicep curls.

Closing Thoughts

Staying focused in the gym is a skill that can be developed over time. By leaving your phone in the locker, minimising distractions, and having a solid workout plan, you'll be well on your way to a more productive and effective gym experience. Remember, the gym is a place to work on yourself, and maintaining focus is a crucial step toward achieving your fitness goals. So, take a deep breath, leave the outside world behind, and give your workout your undivided attention. Your body will thank you for it!

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