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  • Writer's pictureDavid Richards

Beat the Winter Blues - How to Stop Those Bad Habits from Creeping In

As November arrives and winter begins to cast its shadow, we all know the feeling. The clocks have gone back, the sun sets as early as 4:30 pm, storm Ciaran has been and may come again, the River Cam is high and trees are gently shedding their leaves. With six weeks until Christmas, the shops are stocked with tempting treats the moment you step inside, and coffee shops are brewing pumpkin-spiced lattes by the barrel. High-calorie foods appear everywhere, and Christmas markets boast cakes and biscuits. The allure of a cozy pub with an open fire becomes irresistible when it's cold outside. It's easy to adopt the attitude of "####, it's dark and wet outside, and Christmas is right around the corner."

With the change of season, it's tempting to turn to high-caloric snacks as a coping mechanism. 3.8% of the population suffers from seasonal affective disorder. Additionally, there's a 15% drop in daily step count when the wintery weather sets in. Boredom can also lead us to snack more, as we find ourselves spending more time indoors.

Here are some tips to help you stay on track during these challenging winter months:

1. Meal Planning:

  • Plan your meals and consider having some weekly meals scheduled. This reduces the temptation to order random takeaways. If you're keeping an eye on your calorie intake, make sure to check the calorie content of any takeout options (most companies provide this information on their websites). Preparing extra food for dinner can also lead to delicious leftovers for lunch the next day. For example, roast a chicken in the evening and enjoy a tasty chicken salad or sandwiches for lunch - likely more appealing than a Boots meal deal.

2. Avoid Post-Meal Snacking:

  • One habit that can contribute to a surplus of calories is snacking after your meals. Try to resist the temptation to nibble on snacks like cheese and biscuits after you've finished eating.

3. Watch Your Grazing Habits:

  • While some may argue, "We're grazing animals," in truth, we are not. Grazing throughout the day can easily add up the calories. Those little packs of nuts and dried fruits may contain more calories than you realise.

For Those Working from Home:

4. Hide the Snacks and Treats:

  • When working from home, it's essential to keep tempting snacks and treats out of sight. If you open the fridge or cupboard and spot something enticing every time, you're more likely to give in to those cravings by the end of the day.

5. Protein

Add protein to your diet, aim to eat protein with every main meal. Protein is satiating, this will help keep you fuller for longer and less likely to snack between meals.

6. Take short walks and exercise snacks

Schedule 10 minute walks after every meal, if you're at home and have just eaten, go for a gentle 10 minute walk this will help with digestion and can help break the habit of additional snacking after meals. If it’s raining or the weather isn't suitable then try exercise snacks this could be in the from of light mobility exercises or anything else you enjoy. At the office? Then take the stairs instead of the lift, park your car on the other side of the car park so you get some extra steps in.

By following these tips and creating good habits, you can stay on track and prevent those bad winter habits from creeping in. Make this winter a season of maintaining your health and well-being, even as the world outside gets darker and colder.

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